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Reverse Nespresso Board in UK 2023


For the third year running, Nespresso organised its annual Reverse Board programme in a unique format. This year, the programme consisted of « sounding Boards » (SB). It was organised to explore 6 strategic themes, selected by the Nespresso management team. Each SB was made up of students from IMD, HEC and UNIL, members of NLT and their teams, and Reversed facilitators. The purpose of the SB was to receive authentic feedback and new perspective that directly come from students who represent the future generation and access concrete ideas and insights on how to tackle specific strategic challenges and consumer pain points.


Reversed took charge of the entire project, from conception to final results, including setting up and maintaining relations with E4S (IMD, EPFL and Univerisity of Lausanne) communicating with students, selecting, coordinate and facilitation of all the sessions, setting up the online collaboration platform and managing and organising the closing session, which took place at the Nest in Vevey.

Key components

  • one-month programme
  • 2-months communication period
  • set up partnership with external university
  • 25 students selected, and 10 teams
  • 10-12 people to align on the client’s side including CEO, CHRO and other senior management.
  • Strategic programme for the company
  • Reports & key insights

Our Experts

Maxime Dumont


Emmanuelle Schaller
Programme coordination
Frédérique Lamon
Programme Head

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